long time no blog.
well computer troubbles solved and life conintues on. i return to school and go back to my life as the resident sports writer, swimming sports comming up on monday and it is obvious that i have my work cut out for me.
i was nominated for house captain and won the most votes but there was not enough people who voted for me to get house captain. so it was called for more nomiatnions and two people who did not realy want to be house captain were nominated and got house captain and vice. but the vice captain is just basking in his glory, left to him by his brother.
now i belive it is time for idocy to stop. it is time for the decsion makers and powers to be to let the teachers just pick two individuals who would do the best job. it ends up now that i effectivly have the role of Vice Captian but i am not.
my second comment is on adam gircrest. daren lehman got suspeded for racail vilivaction but the pakistani wicket keeper made a blantly racail commnet (white ?????) but got away with it. he then proceded to threaten to sue the ACB. in my opion this is not fair and should be lookd at very seriously but the power brokers in world cricket
untill next time, keep watching the sport, and belive in what you think is right no matter what others say