April 25
this year i find my self in a foregin land. in an unfamilar country, without the self assuring routine that i have engaged in for the past 4 years. a yearly involvment that has been part of my life since i was 16. the knowldge that my simple example of mearly contributing would not be enough any more. but to stand proud and pay my respects true to my orgins in a crowd where i was just annother Aussie or Kiwi.
as the sun sets on the 24th, me and a few good mates, set out on a walk. the annual nite hike. we commit our selves to completing the task before us. one of, if not the oldest team, with an average age of 23. unlike those younger than us, we no longer have the same lack of injuries, and we set about walking the 24 kms of the course of nite hike, walking through the night watching the sun set and rise in the 10 hours we were out and on the trail, aiming to reach every one of the 26 stations and completing every activity. the significance of the night felt fitting when i was planning my day, but its only on reflection does it start to make sense.
a dedication to a task, a challenge and a commitment to your mates, to support them and to reach the end together. and the most important thing. not letting your mates down.
i arrive at the place called victory square, not for any battles that have been fought in that square, but for those who have fought and fallen, and those who fought and stood proud at the setting of the sun. surrounded by Kiwis & Aussies. as the ode is read, i feel the common feeling slowly building within me. i cannot explain it, it is a sense of pride, of sadness, of deep meaning, of respect, of those who give them selves selflessly. in that moment there is nothing, as the last post is sounded across the square, there is nothing else in the world around me. just the sound of that trumpet and the people around me. the street noise disappears into nothing. and as we return to the world we are reminded of a simple message of "lest we forget"
Well that's is from me. i know its a long post. but if you read into what i say, i remember more than just those who give themselves in battle. i remember all those who give them selves selflessly for the community and those around them. those who pitch in and go into bat with their mates.what is to be taken away from this is that i will personally always find time, regardless of where in the world i am, to take a moment and remember. and come the 11th of November, should your phone ring at 11:00 am, decide if you really do have to take that call? or can you spare just one minute for those who gave all of their minutes so that you have the chance to make that choice. and if you happen to be walking past a cenotaph or a memorial, take a moment. go in. have a look. and read the names & learn from their stories.
well i will post this tonight but there may be some edits in the next few days to this posting. also i have a few more articles/blogs that i will post. but no spoilers at this stage. Maybee next time some song tags for you to listen to to provoke your thinking. prehaps i might have more to say about this at annother time.
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