for six years this blog has laid dormant. and today i find a need to post. i have been using other mediums to publish my voice and let my views be heard. but today i feel a need publish and write somthing new. to think this used to be my high school blog!
Today i write from the Paralympic city, Vancouver, having experinced and been a part of the festival of the olympic games, but also having just experinced and sat in the crowd for the opening of the Paralympic gmaes. with a quick note on opening ceremonies, the creative minds need to realise that olympic openings since 2004, have left me feeling cold. the last Olympic opneing that inspired and powerd my imagination was Sydney and Salt Lake. the Melbourne 2006 opening and the paralympic opening both inspired and raised spirits witha sense of fun and irrevrence, but respect and spirit at the moments when required!
so why is sport so powerful. well that is a question for a pshycologist to answer. but i do know its alot of fun and watching the best in their sport go at it and they try to achive their best.
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